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7 Signs Your Loved One Is Abusing Benzodiazepines

7 Signs Your Loved One Is Abusing Benzodiazepines

If you suspect a loved one might be abusing benzodiazepines, knowing the 7 signs of benzodiazepine addiction can be very helpful.

One of the most prescribed drugs on the market are Benzodiazepines. Benzodiazepines, or “benzos,” are a class of pharmaceutical drugs prescribed for many mental disorders and illnesses. They are used to treat moderate to severe anxiety, panic attacks, epileptic seizures and even withdrawal symptoms from other central nervous system drugs that are depressants like alcohol. Because this drug can be highly addictive, benzodiazepines are generally prescribed for short-term use.

Benzodiazepines should be taken only as prescribed by your doctor. When a person starts to build up a tolerance and then takes more than prescribed they could become addicted and start abusing the drug. Because a doctor prescribes benzodiazepines, many people might not think they pose a danger or know the association with these drugs. Yet, benzodiazepine abuse can lead to addiction, physical dependence, tolerance, and risk of overdose.

7 Signs Your Loved One Is Abusing Benzodiazepines

Learn The Signs And Symptoms of Benzo Addiction

The signs and symptoms of someone abusing benzos can vary with the individual and may be hard to recognize if you’re not educated on what symptoms to look out for. Benzo abuse has a range of psychological, physical, and social effects that can drastically reduce people’s quality of living.

The following are 7 signs your loved one is abusing benzodiazepines:

Behavioral Changes – A person who begins abusing benzodiazepines may show subtle to apparent behavioral changes such as extreme drowsiness, lethargy, lack of interest for activates, and other similar symptoms. This is because Benzodiazepines contain properties, which relax, depress, sedate, and/or slow body functions.

Physical Changes – Because benzodiazepines are prescription drugs, a person abusing them may experience physical changes or side effects such as constipation, low sex drive, headache, nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, and salivation.

“Doctor Shopping” – Someone who has started abusing benzos will eventually run out of their prescription and have to find more. Unfortunately, since their main doctor won’t give them another prescription before it’s due to renew the prescription, they will have to go around “doctor shopping.” This is where you find other doctors to give you a prescription. 

Increased Health Risks – A person who abuses benzodiazepines may experience several increased health risks as a result. In addition, because Bezos makes people sluggish, this sort of inactivity may lead to a lack of eating and increased sleeping, which can mean weight loss and poor nutrition and eventually affect overall health.

Mixing Benzodiazepines With Alcohol And Other Drugs – The most dangerous health risks come from mixing benzodiazepines with other drugs, particularly other central nervous system depressants like alcohol. Because the drugs elicit similar reactions within the body, mixing the two often amplifies the effects of each substance and may cause an overdose.

Seeking Other Ways To Get Drugs – When a person can no longer get their prescription of benzos, they may resort to other ways of getting the drug. This may be by doctor shopping, stealing from friends and family, and other unsavory ways.

Signs Of Addiction Or Dependence – Abuse of benzodiazepines can quickly lead to addiction and dependence due to the highly addictive nature of the drugs. A person abusing benzodiazepines may become addicted or dependent within just a couple of weeks.

Recovery From Benzo Abuse When You Need It

If you suspect your loved one is abusing benzodiazepines and exhibiting any signs of abuse, it may be beneficial to seek treatment options before they experience any adverse effects. Because benzodiazepines can quickly lead to physical dependence, and withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous, it’s usually best for people with a benzodiazepine addiction or dependence to seek inpatient treatment, such as in Evoke Waltham Center programs.

Start Benzodiazepine Addiction Program at Evoke Waltham

Evoke Waltham Center is an addiction treatment program located in the heart of Waltham, Massachusetts. Our carefully developed vision of quality clinical care includes Day Treatment and Night Treatment (Night Treatment) programs. Our medical, clinical and therapeutic team of experienced and compassionate professionals is available around the clock to treat all symptoms associated with addiction and the underlying causes. This addiction recovery experience is ideal for individuals ready for world-class drug or alcohol treatment who have been suffering from a substance use disorder.

We pride ourselves on staying true to our name. At Evoke Waltham, we are available 24/7 to help in any way that we can. Please feel free to take advantage of our comprehensive recovery-related services in person, virtually, or over the phone. We serve men and women of all ages in our state-of-the-art Waltham, Massachusetts addiction treatment facility with a strength-based focus that exceeds the norm.