Women Drug Addicts And Prostitution
Is it true that prostitution and women drug addicts correlate? Is it possible that one can lead to the other?
When someone gets involved in drugs and alcohol, they can become a link to many crimes, for many reasons. One of these crimes is prostitution. There are several reasons drug use and prostitution are linked, and several ways in which this relationship is continually changing.
Relation of Sex Work And Drug Use
Prostitution and drug use don’t always go hand in hand, but sometimes they can overlap. Not all sex workers use drugs, and not all people who use drugs turn to sex work to finance their habit. Many reports from the DOJ say “Street prostitution and street drug markets are often closely linked, supporting and reinforcing one another.”
Prostitutes use many illegal drugs like meth, heroin and cocaine. Some of them may have had an addiction before and turned to prostitution to help pay for their drugs. Others started using because that seems to be the “lifestyle” when prostituting. But, no matter the order, once sex work or substance use begins, the other becomes more likely and more difficult to leave behind.
How One Leads To The Other
The cycle usually begins early in life. To start, many women come from troubled backgrounds characterized by abuse, neglect, and dysfunctional homes. As a result, many may have left home at an early age.
Prostitutes may depend on drugs to:
- Deal with emotional and physical stress
- Increase their confidence and energy level
- Enhance the experience when with a client
In other cases, women may:
- Resort to prostitution to finance their dependence.
- Have impaired judgment related to drug
- Use prostitution as a last resort to support themselves.
Some may begin working due to their addiction; others resort to prostitution to make a living after addiction has affected their lives. However, there are other possibilities, especially those related to the control of outside forces.
Finding Escape From Prostitution And Drug or Alcohol Addiction
It’s never too late to get help. Recovery can change a person’s future for the better, providing options and outlets that otherwise would never exist. On the other hand, you may feel trapped by addiction, by your lifestyle, or by larger criminal organizations. Whatever the case, Evoke Waltham Center, can help.
Proven Evidence-Based Treatment
Evoke Waltham Center is an addiction treatment program located in the heart of Waltham, Massachusetts. Our carefully developed vision of quality clinical care includes Day Treatment and Night Treatment (Night Treatment) programs.
Our medical, clinical and therapeutic team of experienced and compassionate professionals is available around-the-clock to treat all symptoms associated with addiction as well as the underlying causes. This addiction recovery experience is ideal for individuals ready for world-class drug or alcohol treatment who have been suffering from a substance use disorder.
Start Your Sober Joruney at On Call Treatament
We pride ourselves on staying true to our name. At Evoke Waltham, we are available 24/7 to help in any way that we can. Please feel free to take advantage of our comprehensive recovery-related services in person, virtually, or over the phone. We serve men and women of all ages in our state-of-the-art Waltham, Massachusetts addiction treatment facility with a strength-based focus that exceeds the norm.